A foundational shamanic framework for any facilitator, healer, or practitioner who is holding sacred space outside of a traditional lineage.

Healing work is the

hardest work to hold alone.

Meet the digital course that’s designed to help you do your work skillfully and safely.

A foundational shamanic framework

for today’s ancient future healers.

This comprehensive course covers topics like…

The call of service
What is a lineage and how it works
Working with ancestral trauma
Soul medicine and the Clairs
Spiritual technologies and how to use them
How to learn, honor, and hold your energy
Wound patterns
Grounding and centering
Banishing, Purification, Consecration
Initiatory experiences
Developing relationships with spirits
Altars and offerings
Entity removal
Reciprocity and exchange
Invocation and energy field creation
Spiritual and energetic hygiene
Decolonizing your practice
Energetic entanglement
Navigating triggers and challenges
Designing sacred spaces
Living your truth

If you are here,
You have been

Thank you for answering the call of service.

You already know what time it is – go time.
We are in an evolutionary inflection point on planet Earth.
Humanity is evolving. The planet is hurting.
The answer isn’t more missiles or more of the same.

Right now we are entering a powerful evolutionary window.
We are being given the chance to shift our trajectory and timeline as a species.

Many people are waking up and stepping up.
They are answering the call of destiny.
Your healing gifts are needed now more than ever.

The irony is… without proper protection, guidance, and grounding…

Healing can be dangerous.
It’s easy to perpetuate patterns of harm without proper shamanic training and protocols.

The good news?

This course has got you covered.

The Ethics of Energy

12 modules
5 meditations
36 videos

Includes a 70-page PDF Workbook
with Reflection Questions and Rituals

Developed by an initiated medicine woman, healer, and facilitator working in the field for over a decade

497 USD

  • 12 video modules

  • 5 recorded meditations

  • 70-page workbook

  • Reflection questions and rituals